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How to enhance your course design – Free Canva account for teachers

Did you know that as a teacher you can get a free account on Canva?

Canva believe that learning should be accessible to everyone. That’s why it offers  Canva for Education for free to eligible teachers and students worldwide, with no restrictions based on location. Canva sees education as a gift, and it is committed to providing educators and learners with the tools they need to create, collaborate, and inspire. With Canva for Education, teachers and students can access to comprehensive library of templates, graphics, and design tools to create engaging and visually appealing content for their classrooms. they believe that everyone has the potential to be creative, they’re excited to help educators and students unleash their creativity and reach their full potential with Canva for Education.

Just like them, we believe in the importance of freely sharing knowledge, and that’s why we do it on our website.

SO, The main questions now are ?

1- What is canva ?

Canva is a fantastic online platform that can really make a difference in your work as an educator. It’s a powerful graphic design tool that offers a wide range of templates, graphics, and tools to help you create visually stunning materials. Whether you need to spice up your presentations, create eye-catching posters, or design engaging visuals for your lessons, Canva has got you covered. It’s incredibly user-friendly and packed with resources that can take your educational materials to the next level. all at no cost to you!

2- how can canva helps you?

Canva is a Learning Management System (LMS) that can help teachers in many ways during their work. Here are some ways in which Canva can assist you:

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1- Creating Course Content:

This is the most important query for a teacher like you, Canva provides an intuitive and easy content creation tool that allows teachers to create and organize course content such as lectures, readings, quizzes, and assignments. The content can be easily updated and customized as required from the teacher account.

assign management

2- Assignment Management:

Canva allows teachers to create and manage assignments online. This includes setting deadlines, grading, and providing feedback to students. as a Teachers  you can also use Canva to check for plagiarism in student submissions (that’s cool).

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3- Communication:

Canva provides a variety of communication tools, such as messaging and discussion forums, which can be used to interact with students. These tools can help teachers to keep students informed about course content and answer their questions (depend on your case you may not use it too much).

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4- Grading and Analytics:

Canva makes it easy for teachers to grade student work and track their progress. The system provides detailed analytics and reports, such as grades, completion rates, and engagement metrics. This information can be used to assess the effectiveness of the course content and make necessary adjustments.

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5- Integration with Other Tools:

Canva can be integrated with other educational tools, such as Google Drive and YouTube, to enhance the learning experience. as a Teacher you can also use the system to share course content with other instructors or collaborate with peers 🙂 

3- How to get benefit from Canva services for free?

3.1- Who is ELIGIBLE to access Canva for Education?

To access Canva for Education, you must be currently active in one of the following roles:

  • A certified K-12 (primary or secondary) teacher from a formally accredited school, who is currently in a teaching position
  • A certified K-12 (primary or secondary) school librarian
  • A certified K-12 (primary or secondary) learning support assistant or teacher
  • A certified K-12 (primary or secondary) curriculum specialist
  • A certified teacher at a technical or vocational school, serving primary or secondary students (or equivalent)
  • Google Certified Educators (GCEs), Google Certified Trainers (GCTs), and Microsoft Innovative Educators (MIEs) who are teaching at a K-12 (primary or secondary) level

The following organizations also can access Canva for Education:

Government recognized, formally accredited:

  • K-12 (primary, secondary, or pre-college) schools
  • School districts
  • Departments of education
  • Other global school systems

3.2- What is the duration of the access provided for Canva for Education?

For as long as you’re an active and eligible teacher or organization. All Canva for Education users are prompted to re-verify their credentials every 3 years.

3.3- Who is NOT eligible to access Canva for Education?

  • Certified K-12 (primary or secondary) teachers, who are not currently in teaching positions
  • Public librarians – for example, city or county librarians
  • Preschool or daycare assistants
  • Homeschool educators who are not licensed or currently employed with a K-12 institution.
  • Private, volunteer, or online tutors
  • Colleges, Universities, and other higher education institutions, including lecturers and staff
  • College and university students
  • Continuing/further education institutions
  • Adult education institutions
  • Organizations providing extracurricular activities outside of school
  • Non-profit organizations who are not delivering teaching directly (please note, Canva also offers a non-profit program with its own eligibility guidelines)
  • Early stage start-ups with an educational focus
  • Parents of children who are in K-12 (primary or secondary) education.

4- How to prove that you are eligible for Canva for Education?

The easy and direct way is to  use a verified educational email domain, you’ll get access right away to Canva.

The easy and indirect way is to upload a photo or scanned copy of one of these approved documents, and they will review your application within 48 hours.

The documents needed are

Official teacher identification that shows current status, e.g.:

  • Photo or scan of a license / certification indicating teaching qualification;
  • Photo or scan showing employment status at a school, e.g. a letter of employment;
  • Photo or scan of school ID indicating teaching status;
  • Document proving an organization’s status as a government recognized, formally accredited K-12 (primary, secondary, or pre-college) educational institution.

5- To start you journey with Canva follow this Steps :

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  1. Open the sign-up page for Canva for Education on your computer;
  2. If you have an email provided by your school, department, or a Google-certified email domain, use that to sign up. You can also create an account using Google, Microsoft, Clever, or other supported platforms;
  3. Complete the sign-up prompts;
  4. Once signed up, choose your profession as a Teacher;
  5. Verify your account;
  6. Provide the requested information, including proof of teaching certification and employment;
  7. They will send you an email with the result of your application within 48 hours. In the meantime, you can still use the free version of Canva.

How to enhance your course design – Free Canva account for teachers Read More »